Switch to the siblings
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“Woah” said Cindy. “Woah indeed” said Jeff as he hugged his sister. Cindy hugged him back while looking towards the snake’s cage wondering about the two who were eaten. “I never thought that being shrunk could be so... arousing” said Cindy. “Heh, at least we’re together. I think that we could get used to this.” Said Jeff.
The two look around in the hamster cage they’re in. There’s a food bowl, water dispenser, a hamster wheel, the ground has soft bedding, and some washcloths to be used as blankets. The bars on the cage are to close to each other to squeeze out and the cage door has a lock attached to it so escaping wasn’t an option. “Well at least he was kinda enough to put all of this in here.” Cindy said then heard the snake hiss. She looked at the snake’s face. It was staring right at her. Cindy looked towards where it’s stomach was and she could make out bulges every once in a while. “They’re still alive in there” Cindy said aloud getting turned on from the thought of having sex with Jeff while in a stomach. Jeff came behind her and said “Wow. How long do you think we’ll last mating in there?” Cindy felt his cock getting harder in between her legs. “Well what should we do while we wait for him to get back?” Cindy asked.
June 3, 2023
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