"That's Why I'm Keeping You"
· original author:
You were stunned at what you just heard! This woman was now trying to own you! In an instant you knew your life would be stolen away.

Still it didn’t stop you from trying to run from her with what little energy you had. However, instead of reaching down to grab you, Helen simply bit her lip and gently trapped you by closing in the walls of her thighs on you.

In an instant, your world became hot and claustrophobic.

Helen was fit to be sure, and her powerful thigh muscles trapped you with little effort. You quickly found that you could barely breathe. And she was barely pressing in on you. You shuddered at the thought of her thighs’ full power crushing you like the world’s softest compactor.

Worse still was that Helen decided at this moment to have some after sex fun with you.

You felt her thighs slowly start to move up and down repeatedly, and your body was soon being smothered by these pillars of flesh. Every flex and quake rocked and shifted your entire world. You could see nothing but flesh, taste nothing but flesh, and feel nothing but flesh, and you were moved up and down, nearly making you pass out.

To her however, she was simply rubbing her thighs together. Her every minute action was monumental to you and she noticed. At one point, she got you on top of her right thigh only to cross the left down onto it. You weren’t sure when this gentle domination would end.

Soon, Helen was satisfied with her game, and parted her thighs, dropping you onto the bed. You had to do something.

Desperately you pleaded with her, “You can’t do this to me, I’m a person!” But she only smiled and whispered giddily “Sweetie, you’re a shrinky. And it’s the job of us big people to keep you, and do my job I will. You and I are going to have so much fun, my little pet. I’m going to become your whole world. And before long, you will enjoy exploring every single part of your new world.”

She scooped you into her right palm before you could even think, her huge bony hand bumping you roughly into a sitting position. Vertigo once again set in as you were lifted to her face and her lips pummeled you with a massive kiss. Your breath was literally drawn from your lungs as you were engulfed by her lips, overwhelmed by her affection.

Soon she got up and carried you over to her dresser. The room passed by too fast to see, and the wind rushed over your face as she walked. That’s how powerful these giants truly were, sitting in her hand was like sitting in a moving high rise skyscraper.

On her dresser sat a tiny dollhouse, no doubt where she had kept her past captives. A gilded cage if nothing else,

She opened the roof of the house and dropped you into the bedroom. “I’ll be back, cutie.” She giggled as she blew you a kiss and sealed the roof shut.

You quickly found that though the windows remained open, there was mesh blocking anything from coming in or going out. The doors were glued shut. You were trapped until Helen returned.
June 3, 2023
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