Emma was what you would call your stereotypical cheerleader bitch. She had flowing blonde hair, killer tits, and an ass to match, but all that came packaged with an attitude which scared anyone in their right mind. Her most egregious quality was her ruthlessness, towards anything who got in her path. Whilst some students made an attempt to watch out for tinies in the hall, she did nothing but watch them pop under sneakers, rather having blood stained shoes than to take a step in the opposite direction.

Today was a day in which she encountered you, in Chemistry to be exactly when it happened. It was your turn to use the sink, and you made your way up the stairs to the counter which housed it. You trotted along the counter, and made your way to the metallic device in an attempt to wash your hands. Emma seemed to not care about your turn, as she approached from behind and turned the nozzle on.

The blast of water in the sink caused you to lose balance, and soon you fell into the sink itself as she turned the water off. The woman trotted away, without a thought to having just trapped you in the tub underneath the device. You tried to climb the metal, but couldn't get a grip as the class continued without you.

All of a sudden,
June 3, 2023
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