Room for Dessert
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You gasp at the prospect of being that sweet thing she’s referencing. She smiles and snaps her mouth towards you like a cat in response to this.

“Oh, don’t worry. I wouldn’t want to waste such a strong little man for dessert,” she reassures as she gets up and goes over to her fridge. She places a large bowl of strawberries next to you and microwaves a second bowl for a few seconds. When she brings it over, you realize that it’s melted chocolate sauce she had.

When you smell the chocolate, your stomach churns, reminding you that you hadn’t eaten dinner.

“You can have some too,” she states, whisking you up and dropping you into the chocolate sauce before you can respond. You struggle to swim to the surface because the liquid is so thick, gasping for air once you get to the top. You accidently swallow some chocolate, but you don’t mind that.

You see her smiling face slowly eclipsed by a round object. You realize she’s dipping a strawberry in. She scoops a chunk of chocolate really close to you, knocking you back under. You surface to realize that she’s paying no real concern to whether she scoops you up. You struggle to avoid each of her upcoming strawberries, often trapped underneath trying to avoid getting swept up in the current they produce.

Eventually, the chocolate level goes down from her eating, and you can stand. You notice that she’s out of strawberries. She then winks at you…
June 3, 2023
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