You get a notification on your phone that was a text from Tina, saying she was heading out and to hold tight. You stood there, feeling exposed as you sat in the open, available for anyone or anything to claim as their own. You were relieved as you saw the door pushed open, and the familiar face of your friend Tina poked out.

She was smiling that same gentle smile she always had, a glow which made you admire her. There was always an unspoken thing between the two of you, and lately it seemed like the relationship was going to develop into an official thing. She walked over to your petite body, and plucked you from your spot on her driveway, raising you to her waist.

She formed a fist around you, as to hide you from the mother of hers that would perform unspeakable acts on the both of you if she ever discovered you. You tried not to think about that kind of thing as she made her way up the stairs, towards the room she spent most of her time in. She opened her fingers from around you, giving you some fresh breath as you looked around the familiar room, with posters of her favorite bands and television shows.

She sat down on her bed, before lying down and setting you next to her, and talking to you.

"Let's watch some Netflix." She said, as you nodded in agreement. She turned on the television, followed by her Playstation, opening the Netflix app and scrolling through the movies. You leaned against her side, growing comfortable as she started to play some show you hadn't seen before. As you lay there watching the show under her warm embrace, before
June 3, 2023
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