..join your little girlfriend!"
· original author:
Your heart sinks as you hear her taunting words.

"I can't believe you both fell for that. As if I was ever going to let you go. Now I'll have two tasty morsels to give me energy for the rest of the day." says Lisa, before giving you a playful lick.

You are covered in a thin layer of Lisa's saliva causing you to shiver in fear and the cold.

"Awww don't be so afraid. At least you'll get to join your little girlfriend in my stomach. Just be thankful that I'm swallowing you whole and not chewing you up. I'm giving you two and chance to reunite in my belly before being digested. You should thank me. Besides, you were going to be eaten sooner or later anyway. You might as well add to my beautiful body." she says as matter of factly.

As if you prolong your agony Lisa slowly moves you towards her mouth. Slowly her lips part revealing her saliva strained maw. As your brought closer and closer, Lisa's hot breath washes over you giving you a preview of what's to come.

"Lisa please don't eat me! Have mercy!" you beg, squirming in her grasp.

Lisa ignores your pleas as she places you on her tongue. You turn around to see Lisa's still open mouth. Immediately you clumsily stand up and make a break for freedom but just as you're about to jump out of Lisa's mouth her lips slam shut followed by an auditable giggle, leaving you trapped. As with what happened to Tina, Lisa's tongue tosses you about her mouth as the cavern fills with saliva. Soon you're gasping for air, desperately trying not to drown.

Suddenly, just as all hope is lost, all the saliva drains out of Lisa's mouth as she swallows it. For a moment you feel a glimmer of hope but that feeling is soon dashed as Lisa's tongue pushes you to the roof of her mouth and back past her uvula. Your heart pounds, knowing what's about to come.


Lisa's esophagus grabs hold of you as her muscle power brutally yet steadily pushes you down her long feminine neck towards her stomach. Just as you think her gullet is about to constrict the life out of you, you fall into Lisa's awaiting belly. As you land in the pit of smelly stomach acid you can hear a slight thump coming from the outside. Right away you realize Lisa is patting and rubbing her belly in satisfaction. In the darkness you feel Lisa's stomach juices slosh over you as she begins to walk away from the bench and into the school to start her day.

Despite being in the stomach of a teenage girl there's only one thing on your mind: find Tina.

"Tina! Tina! Are you in here!? Are you alive?!" you shout in despiration.

What do you hear in response?
June 3, 2023