As you sat in your class, the day was going by just like any other. You were listening to the lesson, and picking up on most of what your teacher was saying when an office assistant entered the room with a pass, one marked in yellow ink which signaled that it came directly from the principal's office. The class grew nervous as the note was passed to the teacher, who read your name aloud. This was not good news. The principal at your school hated you, and you knew it. Every chance she got, she was going to take to make the life of tinies at her school a living hell.

The principal must have some sort of evidence that you were sent to her office, as it was now required that in order to be called out of class you must have solid evidence for someone's guilt. This meant that you were almost definitely going to be punished, and it was more than likely going to be carried out by Miss Hall.

You left the classroom, your stomach feeling queasy as you made your way down the seemingly endless hall, until you reached the door to the principal's office made specifically for people of your height. You walked through the office, and up at the giant secretary who grinned at the sight of someone walking in, knowing what the cruel principal did to those who opposed her reign.

You walked up a flight of stairs which were built for tinies, and followed a series of scaffolding until you stood on the giant wooden desk of the woman who so desperately hated you. Miss Hall ( ) turned around, looking at your tiny body with disgust, and started to speak.

"Mr Haley, are you aware that you have stolen school property?" She asked you.

"No mam, I had no clue." You responded in fear.

"Well the fact we still haven't received the English textbook from last year at the library proves to the contrary. I'm sorry Mr. Haley, but we are now going to exercise our fullest powers to punish you. In order to pay off debts, you are to immediately be transferred into the possession of
June 3, 2023
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