Into the Maw of Mrs. Anderson
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you plopped onto the massive tongue of your teacher and were quickly inundated with the feelings of your massive teacher all around you, her hot breath washed over you and you were quickly soaked through by her saliva as her tongue easily wrestled you through her mouth. Mrs. Anderson idly swished you through her mouth, from your perspective it was impossible to tell if she'd noticed you were in her mouth or if she really was so interested in her movie that she could miss the feeling of you wriggling in her mouth. Suddenly the tongue heaved under you and pressed you against the roof of your teacher's cavernous maw, and then she swallowed. You were suddenly pulled kicking and screaming down her throat, massaged downwards by the muscles of Mrs. Anderson's esophagus you had no way to stop your downward progress deeper and deeper into your teacher. Eventually you plopped into the stomach of your teacher. It was pitch black and you could see nothing, but you could feel, you could feel the pile of popcorn fragments that were just starting to digest as you landed atop them, you could feel the foul liquids. More than that you were surrounded by the constant sounds of the massive body you were inside of, the thunderous heartbeat, and the gurgling of her digestive tract as it worked away at her food, which you realized, now includes you. As you were trapped within the fleshy prison of Mrs. Anderson's stomach you...
June 3, 2023
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