Out of the frying pan...
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For a moment, the massive officer only looks at you, inspecting your body. Slowly, she turned you around - and with growing terror you realized that she wasn't just taking a look at you. She was checking you out! When you finally saw her face again, her expression had shifted from indifference to a sly smile.

"You two love birds want to get a room now?" your ex-captress mumbled just loud enough for you to hear. Apparently, the police woman either hadn't noticed or chose not to care while she simply grabbed the burglar by the wrists and dragged her through the jail, back towards her cell. But she wasn't even paying attention to her any more, tossing her in without even giving her a glance. All her focus remained on you. And judging by the look in her eyes, you would have probably been in safer hands with the thief.

Then, everything went really fast. After making sure that the cell was locked, the police woman rushed away, through a multitude of corridors, until she arrived at a changing room. No one else was present - and through the windows on the far side of the room you could see that it was still dark out.
"Finally, my shift is done..." the giantess still holding on to you mumbled, "could've done without that action. But you..." she turned to you, a massive grin on her face, "if I had known I would get to get a hold of one of you shrinks today, I would have prepared something special. I hope you forgive me, but I'll need to improvise."
Out of her locker, she grabbed a large, canvas bag, and just looking at it, you recoiled. It was rank, obviously meant to carry her shoes and work clothes. The way it smelled, she hadn't washed it in ages, drenching the fabric in the stale smell of old sweat and grime.
Of course, there was nothing you could do to stop the massive woman from getting you exactly where she wanted you and only a moment later she had opened up the bag and flung you inside. While you still tried to recover from being hit by the smell at full force, she had already zipped it closed again, completely engulfing you in darkness.

The next few hours - were it hours? - were absolute hell. The woman wasn't exactly careful and thus her bag kept bouncing up and down, to and fro. The objects within, old socks, clothing, even underwear, slowly buried you underneath. In the darkness you couldn't make out where she was carrying you... but in your heart, you knew. You'd either end up in a pawn shop, or in her home. And whatever it would end up being, you needed a plan to survive...

After an eternity of being trapped inside the damp, smelly darkness, light flooded the bag and an enormous hand fished through the clothes until it found you and dragged you out. It happened so fast that the world blurred before your eyes and you couldn't quite see where you were headed.
But soon, the pillar like fingers holding you prisoner released you and you tumbled down onto something soft. Looking up, you saw you were...
June 3, 2023
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