Kaitlyn gets you
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One of the fork's stabs you through the leg, causing blood to start leaking.

"Uh-oh, looks like it's terminal!" Kaitlyn laughs, lifting the fork, and you up! Her face beams, and she says, "see, I told you! It was my destiny to have him!" She looks at you hanging upside down; the fork in your one leg acting as a broken hinge, causing you more agony. "Guess what, little guy, you get to be turned into poo! MY poo! I love the fact that you'll go through hell in my stomach, and there will be no hope for you!"

The mom snaps "HEY! don't play with your food!"

Kaitlyn giggles and says "you're right mom!" She lifts you up to her mouth, and puts you in; you're head bumping her bottom lip. After removing the fork, she closes her mouth, and you say a sorrowful goodbye to the outside world. At least you're gonna feed a kid - a bratty kid!

How does she eat you?
June 3, 2023
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