Anon fell in Twilight's open mouth.
Anon's luck could not have taken a turn for the worse.
After Twilight tilted the book vertically to reinsert it into its rightful place, the shrunken sorcerer felt himself falling at a height equivalent to ten feet. Anon screamed as he fell to his apparent doom, and when his body turned with the fall, he screamed even louder as he realized that he wasn't going to go SPLAT! on the floor.
He was about to go SPLAT! on Twilight's exposed tongue!
Twilight has a habit of casually keeping her mouth open, only slightly ajar, like many people and ponies do unconsciously in a moment of monotony. In Anon's case, that slightly ajar mouth was the entrance to the biological pits of Tartarus and any that passed into its digestive depths.
But Twilight couldn't hear him. Anon simply plummeted between the Twilight's lips and pass over the teeth and gums. He only had a split second as he quickly clamped over the uvula and hugging it for dear life, hanging over the entrance of the alicorn's esophagus.
While Twilight returned her book to her shelf, she felt something in the back of her throat. She began to cough and gag, a motion that was terrifying for Anon's position. The simple motion of coughing blasted in his ears like Rainbow Dash's prank thunderclouds in his ear, and the feeling of it was like a combination of standing a inch away from Pinkie Pie's party cannon and the force of Applejack's powerful hooves bucking him multiplied a hundred fold. With each choking gag, Anon's grip grew weaker.
What happens next?
1.) Anon's grip on the uvula slips away; Twilight unknowingly swallows Anon whole.
2.) Anon is coughed back onto Twilight's tongue; Twilight could feel Anon on her tongue and spits him out on her hoof.
3.) Anon is coughed back onto Twilight's tongue; Twilight doesn't feel Anon while he's in her mouth.
After Twilight tilted the book vertically to reinsert it into its rightful place, the shrunken sorcerer felt himself falling at a height equivalent to ten feet. Anon screamed as he fell to his apparent doom, and when his body turned with the fall, he screamed even louder as he realized that he wasn't going to go SPLAT! on the floor.
He was about to go SPLAT! on Twilight's exposed tongue!
Twilight has a habit of casually keeping her mouth open, only slightly ajar, like many people and ponies do unconsciously in a moment of monotony. In Anon's case, that slightly ajar mouth was the entrance to the biological pits of Tartarus and any that passed into its digestive depths.
But Twilight couldn't hear him. Anon simply plummeted between the Twilight's lips and pass over the teeth and gums. He only had a split second as he quickly clamped over the uvula and hugging it for dear life, hanging over the entrance of the alicorn's esophagus.
While Twilight returned her book to her shelf, she felt something in the back of her throat. She began to cough and gag, a motion that was terrifying for Anon's position. The simple motion of coughing blasted in his ears like Rainbow Dash's prank thunderclouds in his ear, and the feeling of it was like a combination of standing a inch away from Pinkie Pie's party cannon and the force of Applejack's powerful hooves bucking him multiplied a hundred fold. With each choking gag, Anon's grip grew weaker.
What happens next?
1.) Anon's grip on the uvula slips away; Twilight unknowingly swallows Anon whole.
2.) Anon is coughed back onto Twilight's tongue; Twilight could feel Anon on her tongue and spits him out on her hoof.
3.) Anon is coughed back onto Twilight's tongue; Twilight doesn't feel Anon while he's in her mouth.
June 3, 2023
· edited June 4, 2023
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