Tails was fascinated by what he was seeing on Rouge brain, not only he could see some clear thoughts but also lots of other things that he couldn't understand, manifesting as some sort of lightbulbs that went on and off in an uncoordinated way, like disparate Christmas lights. He wondered what did all of that meant and decided to use his ship to follow the source of one of those impulses that kept lighting on and off at a somewhat constant rhythm.

To his surprise, he ended up following Rouge's optic nerve until he could see her eye! Tails felt excited and proud at what he was already learning about Mobian anatomy with just randomly exploring around. The discovery of how the Mobian brain could see could already be a gateway for scientific breakthroughs and he was only getting started. To celebrate, he traveled further along until reaching a big sphere with a different background to what he had explored so far, this one had a fascinating turquoise hue to it and Tails understood he got into Rouge's eye at last.

And the best part was that he could actually see what Rouge was seeing. It looked a bit distorted, because he was only seeing from one of her eyes and because her iris apparently were adding a turquoise tilt from his perspective (maybe the brain already knew how to see the image correctly?), and the movement of her eyelids meant the image he was "receiving" flickered constantly. But what Rouge was seeing was enough to caught his attention, and make him blush.

She was about to take a bath, and even in the distorted image and incomplete perspective Tails could see the allure of the world's greatest thief as she took off her boots, gloves, the heart shaped chestplate and that black leotard she always used, unknowingly offering the foxboy a peek at the different exposed parts of her body as she looked down to take away each piece of clothing. Tails blushed more than he ever had when Rouge decided to check herself on the mirror before entering the bath, showing a proud grin at the state of her 3'5'' body in all her glory. If Tails felt a bit uncomfortable around her seeing how she towered over his 2'7'' frame now he was pretty much paralyzed by her majestic beauty.

The moment was shortlived, as Rouge just went on to take her bath and now Tails' image was either the bath full of water or just darkness while the bat closed her eyes and enjoyed the relaxing experience with her eyes closed. It was still quite alluring, but Tails wondered if he should stop invading Rouge's privacy and head somewhere else given that he had so much more to explore. Starting to back up a bit he was still affected by the whole experience and crashed against one of the walls of the sphere which had another fascinating effect.

"Ow, that felt weird" Rouge said and her eyelids moved quickly, with her naked tan hand moving to rub her eye on instinct.

Tails wondered immediately if she could do more than that in other areas of the body. Should he go back and see if he could affect something in Rouge's brain? Maybe he should explore more parts of her head like her ears or her mouth, now that he already explored the nose, the brain and one eye, or maybe he should just go south. A part of him still wanted to stay because what he just got felt like the experience of a lifetime, but he was here to explore and who knew what other kind of experiences he would get from this trip.

What happens next?



August 4, 2023
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