"Is Miss Rouge having a baby?" the sudden response suprised both her Mother and Tails, Tails didn't know what to say, in fact, he is wondering the same, is she is expecting a baby? he hoped to not, but the high amount of milk that rouge is producing is almost like she were expecting but the ship didn't detected that she was pregnant or anything, Vanilla recovered from her suprised and answered.

"I don't think so, Sweetie, Rouge is not waiting a baby, right Tails?" asked vanilla

"Yes, the ship didn't detected nothing in her uterus, she is just... lactating for some reason" he glare toward the map (or Rouge's hologram) he blushed a little. "R-Right now Rouge's breasts are generating more milk like a pregnant woman." the map expand, focusing to the right breast. "We are here, in a gland, said gland is producing and storing milk we can go though the vein and go into another organ."

"Can we go in the place where the babies are formed, mom?" Tails blushed alot at cream's innocently request, Vanilla turned to her daugther with a warm smile. "Maybe, but this is Tails' ship, after all, can we go there?" she asked making the fox even red. he don't know why but going into rouge's babymaker made him feel... warm in a odd way. "Y-yes, We can go there." he goes to the cockpit. the ship swimimg in the milk, it drilled a vein and go into the bloodstream.

Outside of the Breast, Rouge was flying, feeling a bit strange lately but she bushed it off, she flew toward the floating island to steal the master emerald, luckily, Knuckles is not there to defend it, and if he comes to defend, he can't for him will be hypnotized by her new rack, she felt good... and a bit heavy but was ok for her plan will come with delicious results... if only she could share her fortune of her results...

inside Rouge's womb, Tails and company arrived, the ship landed while the trio exited the vessel, cream was contemplating the entire pink landscape, two caverns, alien for her but Vanilla explanied what are they, and what lies inside of them, Tails was inspecting the reproductive organ. moist, soft and warm, he liked being here alot, upon returning with Vanilla seeing how cream was running around admiring Rouge's uterus.

they both talked.

"We are here, the inner sanctuary of you crush." she giggled as she saw Tails blush.

"Is not like she will be pregnant of my child... I'm still a kid and i don't know these feelings."

"You're inside of a woman most intimate area Tails, your urges to mate and leave your offspring is quite strong in foxes, tails right now you need to control it or rouge will have a cute suprise in 9 months." Vanilla stated while eyeing the rouge's most private area, she was amazed how tails invented such amazing thing, she wanted to know more abour bat's bodily functions.

"I know prehaps I-" suddenly cream called her mother and Tails, in hurry they both sprinted toward the sourcer of cream's voice until arriving, she was in front of a sphere-like object three times bigger than them... Rouge's Ovum was in front of them resting in the soft and wet organic flood

"Wow, I never though I wouldn't see this myself." said tails in awe, it was a white and transparent, Vanilla got an idea, prehaps tails should release these urges.

"Tails maybe you should... release these urges right now, also, you need to explain Cream how babies are formed here while leaving your offsprings" Tails was stunned when he heard Vanilla's words, she wanted him to make rouge pregnant with his child?! that not count as rape?!

"What?! Miss Vanilla with all respect but isn't that crazy? and coming from you, of all the people..."

"Why not?

"This is Rouge we are talking about! she will hate me for the rest of my life if I do that!"

"You think? Tails she won't hate you, in fact, thinks will be fine, I promise you."

"Mommy, what is going on? what Tails will do?" asked cream, she don't know what the both are disccusing.

"Tails is about to... make a baby with rouge." Cream brighted when she heard that most for Tails Embarrassment.
June 2, 2023
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