Fly Back Into Lien-Da's Breasts and Stay Wi...
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Tails decides immediately that he must fly back into the breasts that he loves so that he can stay here until he can get back home. He flies with high speed and thankfully manages to fails down at her breasts.Tails landed fine and go a little deeper at the breasts so that he won't be found, he goes to the cleavage and hides here. Tails smells the perfume that it is in her body, Tails likes that smell coming from that tasty body, but he snaps out as he must be focused that Lien-Da is almost arrive at the egg mobile.Lien-Da is angry due to the repetitive mission over and over again and she says''If the mission fails,which that is going to happen, I will play his''game'' to overthrow him once and for all and I will take control of the Eggman empire once and for all!!!''. She flies the egg mobile along with her people and robots. Outside the city ,Sally, Bunnie and Nicole are ready to defeat them once again as usual, Tails sees them and he is ready to go. What happens next?
June 2, 2023
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