Her Vagina
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Tikal was chatting with Knuckles in the living room. Talking about the Master Emerald.

"Of course, Tikal. I'm good at guarding the Master Emarald."

"Although you let yourself believe Eggman's words."


Tails giggled to himself at the thought, and saw that Knuckles was going to check on the Master Emerald, giving him a chance to enter Tikal's vagina; which had no underwear over it. Tails always wanted to know how the womb works, so he zoomed right into her vagina, causing Tikal to gasp in pleasure. As Tails went into the womb he was greeted by a big pink cave. He got out to examine the area, awed by how smooth it is. After exploring the womb, Tails decided to go to her...
June 2, 2023
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