Pollen Panic
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Tails decided to wait and see what happens. As Tikal was in Knuckles' house, she spotted some big flowers on the window.

"Those flowers look interesting, I wonder what they smell like? Tikal thought to herself.

She got up from the couch, and smelled the flowers. But some pollen from the flowers went up her nostrils. Tails saw this and was worried about what would happen. As Tikal was sitting back down to watch TV, she felt her nose itch, causing her to sniffle. Tails saw that green sticky liquid was forming inside the nose, he knew that Tikal was going to sneeze, and gripped the nostril walls tightly. Tikal kept sniffling until she couldn't take it anymore.

"AAAAAAACHOO!" She sneezed and sent snot all over her hand. Afterwords she blew her nose.

Did Tails manage to hang on during the sneeze?
June 2, 2023
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