Make the poop move.
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Tails just couldn't wait for the wall of poop to move, so he got out some sort of bomb that makes anything around it become relaxed or smooth. He set the bomb down, and went out of Amy's bowels, landing on her buttcheek. He knew it was gonna be really messy in there, but it'll be worth it won't it?

He took out the device that activates the bomb, and pulls the trigger. The bomb goes off, causing the walls of the intestines to smooth out, as if you took a laxative. The brown log came shooting down the tunnel, and ending up blasted all over a white clothing.

Amy woke up in surprise, and noticed that she pooped herself.

"Oh come on! How did that happen!? Now I have to go change my undies." she said.

Tails followed Amy to her room as she began changing. He shrunk down to avoid notice, and flew into her anus as she was pulling her new underwear up. Amy felt a slight feeling in her behind, but thought it was just an itch and scratched it. Tails was on his way to the stomach.
June 2, 2023
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