Attack on the base
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Amy was carefully walking her way to Eggman's base. She was already feeling the need to let some gas out, but she wanted to save it for later. Once she and Tails arrived, Tails went ahead and after a few minutes, was able to successfully disarm anything dangerous.

"Okay, Amy. Tear it down!"

Amy ran forward and started to use her fists and feet to punch, kick, ram, and cause the base to cave in on itself. Eggman was trapped underneath the rubble that was once the roof, gasping for air.

"What in the world was that? How did that hedgehog get so big??"

Amy started to have a strong feeling in her lower belly.

"Ugh, Tails. I feel really backed up. I really need to let it all out now!"

"Don't worry, Amy. You can use Egghead's ruined base if you want."

Amy agreed. She walked to the base, turned around, bent down in an almost sitting position, and began to release her load.
June 2, 2023
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