stay at the womb
Tails land at the uterine "floor" it was very soft and wet, tails could the horizon from the cockpit, it was like a small desert of pink with two large caves that led to Amy's ovaries. that's his destination, he wanted to study amy's eggs to ensure a patthern of her circle

"Here we go." he exited the ship and started walking in the vast landscape, after ten minutes he reached to one of the fallopian tubes, he noticed that entering into one will lead to an dead end or a so he decided to bring the ship by remote control, as the ship arrived he decided to enter into one fallopian tube, it was like enter into a hair-like forest and climbing in humid terrain but however, he reached to his destination, Amy's ovum.

"Fascinating!" he started to take out his gadgets and begin to his study, he then found out that the egg is in his most fertile stated, if he enter to it he will basically make Amy pregnant with him, so he decided to take his distance when suddenly everything started to shake violently.

Outside, Amy is...
June 2, 2023
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