Reverse Digestion
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Tails was still going through Amy's bowels as he examined and studied every inch of them. Tails was thankful nothing happened while going through the long tunnel. He then arrived at the inside of Amy's stomach; which was found to be empty.

"I guess she was hungry after all." Tails said to himself.

He then lands his ship and gets out, exploring the massive pink cavern while avoiding the acid. Eventually he gathered the results: Amy's belly is very clean, therefore she might not have eaten since yesterday's lunch. He suddenly felt the belly moving, he then realized that Amy was waking up.

Amy groaned as she got up from the couch.

"What a weird dream. I thought for a moment Tails went up my rear end. If he did I would have hit him with my hammer!"

She the remembered that she hadn't eaten for a while, so she goes to the kitchen to have some food. Tails thought for a moment...maybe he could stay and watch the digestion process, or watch her chew? What does he do?
June 2, 2023
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