The next day...
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Sonic woke up from his bed the next day, heading downstairs to have some breakfast. He was hoping Sally would arrive today for a visit so he can get some satisfaction. After eating he got up and did some activities around the house.

Tails was still waiting inside of Sonic's package. The area was filled with more liquid than last time, but thankfully it isn't rising that fast. Tails just thought about certain things so that he could pass the time while waiting to get back into Sally.

Someone knocked at the door...

"Hello, Sonic." Sally said. "How are you feeling?"

"Hi, Sal. I'm feeling okay I guess, unless wanting more pleasure sounds off."

"Don't worry Sonic, you'll feel better soon."

Tails was glad hearing that Sally was here, he could search for his ship now! That is when he saw the organ he was inside of sway more frequently, and had the feeling that Sonic would let him out soon. Tails then saw the walls contracting, and felt the liquid pull him through the now opened hole in the ceiling. Tails was shot right out of Sonic's manhood directly into Sally's body.

Tails then took a look around to make sure he was in the right place, which was the womb. He was inside Sally of course but in what area?
June 2, 2023
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