Faulty Formula
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Tails couldn't help but snicker at the situation he was currently in. Here he was inside Sonic's testicles, which had grown to the size of melons, all because of his experiment. His ship and body right now would normally be three quarters the size of the organ he was in, but now it's plenty more. Tails looked down as his own enlarged, pulsating foxhood and scrotum, which was five to six times its normal size; big enough to add his own sperm cells to the mix, and small enough for him to masturbate and release them.

Suddenly, Tails felt another tingly sensation in his groin, but it was stronger than usual. Confusion turned into worry when he felt his penis pulsate at a faster rate, and he felt his balls jiggle and jolt.

"W-What's happening?" His breathing quickened. "It feels...ah-...aah!"

He felt his balls get tighter, heaver, tinglier, sweat coming down his blushed face, until...


Semen gushed out of Tails' dick. His prostate propelled again and again and again, in thick strands coming out at high speeds with little to no reload time. All of its contents mixed with Sonic's seminal fluids, and the testicles reacted.

Before Sonic could make up his mind on where to go, he felt a sudden pressure in his groin. Looking down, he gasped. His balls were growing bigger and bigger, easily breaking the record beach ball size. Sonic grunted, putting his hands over his crotch. He fell to his knees, groaning loudly, shuddering from the intense feeling.

"God...! This is so...painful! Now I know this isn't normal!"

Tails was overwhelmed. Lying on his back on his ship, his ejaculations have been going for longer than before, semen shooting out the door and into the pool below, until finally his balls were empty after thirty seconds, giving him a break at last. He slowly sat up, dazed.

"Whoa... That was...something." A tingle. His balls were starting to fill up again, but this time his balls were growing bigger than ever. "What's going on?? I'm not even doing anything and it's already-..." Something clicked in his head. "The supercharge formula! Was it stronger than I thought?" His dick was fully erect, bulging out. "Oh gosh...I messed up big time! I gott-aah-...rev-verse the process!"

Tails quickly struggled to his feet, and shut the door of his ship after getting his penis inside. Sadly for him, he had a white mess to worry about before he could start work on a cure.

"Uuuughh!" Sonic groaned. His balls were now the size of watermelons, tightly wrapped in his scrotum begging to be emptied. "This can't be arousal. There's gotta be a way to fix this!" Possible answers flooded his mind at lightning speed, and his thoughts turned to the lie he told Amy before leaving her house. "Well...I guess I'm going to Tails' place after all..."

With that, Sonic ran as fast and as clumsily as he could to Tails' workshop.
June 2, 2023
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