Watch the digestion...again?
Tails Microscopic Voyager
Chapter 17
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Tails knew he already watched food digest in Sally's body, but he wanted to see it again. Besides you never really know when something interesting happens. Amy; who is still naked since it's her free day, was eating her sandwich. With Tails floating in her stomach, watching it come down. He saw the the food was digesting, and decided to take data anyway, it could be a different result.
After Amy was done she began thinking of what she could do for her free day besides being naked. She comes up with two choices:
1) Wear a diaper for the whole day.
2) Play with her own body.
What does she do?
After Amy was done she began thinking of what she could do for her free day besides being naked. She comes up with two choices:
1) Wear a diaper for the whole day.
2) Play with her own body.
What does she do?
June 2, 2023
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