Catch the gas, if you can!
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Blaze felt a gurgling sensation in her lower body. She thought to herself...

"Oh no, not now. Can't my bowels bother me some other time?"

Silver noticed Blaze's facial expression, as if she was worried about something. He went to her asked if anything was wrong, and all he got was that she was thinking about Eggman attacking.

"Don't worry, Blaze. Eggman hasn't been seen for a while, and all of us are prepared to fight him anyway."

Blaze nodded back to him, pretending to smile. He seemed to have bought it, as they continued down the trail, with Blaze wishing there was a bathroom nearby.

Back with Tails, he caught up with the vapours that threaten embarrassment from Blaze. His plan was to seal the anus with a barricade so the gas won't be able to leave until Blaze gets home. He was worried about it's durability though, because what if the barricade can't hold all the build up of gas, and possibly waste? He proceeded with his plan, and seal the hole shut.

Blaze felt the need to let loose, yet she felt that she can't, to her relief. She relaxed her muscles and continued on her walk with Silver. She doesn't know about the barricade Tails had put up, and Tails himself saw, minute after minute, how much gas there was. He thought the barricade was sure to tear apart soon.

Blaze and Silver were close to the end of the trail, but the barricade was threatening to burst. Blaze feels the strong urge but thought that whatever is stopping her will last through the date. What happens?
June 2, 2023
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