Suddenly a gigantic blue hoof sails over you an...
· original author:

You were startled by the massive blue hoof literally stomping next to you, almost squashing you if it weren't for a few centimeters, the suddeness and deafening noise made you jump as a other of those giant equines arrived. How you didn't heard it coming? You almost died to it because you were too focused on the giantess equine! The newcomer that was over you was blue furred wih similarly pink hair or mane and tail, wearing an apron, by looking at the body and barrel, she was a bit more chubby and wide than the pink one but really have an large set of teats hanging than the former, you blushed a bit on spotting it and looked away until you realized something, was this one the pink equine's mother?

"Pinkie?" You heard her voice as she talked above you "Are you ok, dearie? You had been acting a bit.. odd than usual."

"Oh its nothing, Mrs Cake!" She relied, also Pinkie and Mrs Cake?, it makes sense for the former but Cake s last name? "I just felt on my flanks jiggling, we have a newcomer to the town! and he is here!" Oh shi-

"Oh really?" the new giantess, Mrs Cake, talked in complete surprise, you were too surprised on this revelation, does this mean that she has some psychic powers?! "You have to be more specific Pinkie dear. Because if he is here as in the town, I can't help you with that as me and Carrot are pretty busy on the moment but if you mean here as in he bakery, I'm confused as we only had seen the usual clients." The Blue mare explained "Trust me on this Pinkie, I and my hubby would tell when a new face come over here." The explanation seems to calm the pink equine mare down but also made her frown and turn pensive about it.

"What if the newcomer is tiny?" On this, you froze upon hearing that, she definitely have some psychic ability! She even smiles as she seemed to find that logical "He is both here and here!" She says without any shadow of doubt "My Pinkie Sense tingle, I can feel it on my rear!" In a feat that shouldnt be possible for someone of her size she quickly turned around and shows her rather round flanks near to Mrs Cake's shocked face, you also notices she has marks on each glutes, three balloons to be exact "My Flanks only jiggle like this when a new male is nearby! They had been jiggling like crazy just now! and my hooves areally getting abit itchy, it meanst that he could be tiny!" Wait.. that's she knew you were here? Well.. technically hey were jiggling, bouncing despite the lack of movement

"Even so... Don't be around acting odd while in working hours Pinkie, if what you said is true, then it's better not startle the poor dear by... some of your peculiarities, remember when you and Twilight met?" Kind of too late. You thought as soon she finished that, Pinkie giggles but then made a military-esque salute to the blue mare that, despite some of the similarities, hey weren't related it seems, she looked to be more like her boss, said new mare turns to leave, seemly to end the conversation as it is while Pinkie on question turned on the opposite direction.

On this you decided to...
June 2, 2023
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