On the shop floor...
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As you eyes have to adjust, you have found yourself in a very dark environment. You can see clumps of dust and fluff the same size as you! You can see some hair off in the distance, what stands out to you is the difference in colour, some white, pink, brown, green, a whole large mixture of different colours seem to be on the floor. Your eyes seem to pop out of their sockets when you find a seems to be a crumb of some kind, only its sheer size makes it almost impossible. Walking closer to this giant source of food, you can tell by its texture, colour, and even smell, that this is a crumb of a biscuit of some kind. This makes your face go pale, how many times had you simply dusted yourself down after eating some biscuits, leaving nothing but the crumbs to fall to the floor? and here you find yourself currently standing next to the very same crumbs, only being the same size as you. You started to panic, and started to slowly walk towards to light, to get a better understanding of your current situation.

As you start to edge closer to the light, you suddenly fall flat on your face, as an earthquake seems to be happening just outside your current source of cover. As you lift you face off the dusty floor, you wipe the old build up off of your face, you look towards the opening into the outside world, and you see 4 giant pillars reach into the sky, far past what you can currently see. You can tell that these pillars are covered in a sort of fur type substance, these almost reminds you of hooves from horses and ponies from back home, apart from the hard hoof seems to be missing. But what are the colour of these pillars?
June 2, 2023
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