Go in Applejack.
· original author:
"It probably best to listen to your sister, Big Mac," you said, "I think she has a better plan for us two. I'll go with Applejack while you hide out. Man, those injuries to your testicles look really nasty."

Big Mac looked sadly at his sheath and groin and gave a weak nod in acknowledgement.

"If Rainbow finds you again, who knows what she'll do then. I'd hate to see her wrecking your stallionhood for good. You got to hide somewhere safer this time. I think the apple cellar would be a good place."

"That's out of the question," the red pony said bluntly, "You may not know it but Dash loves cider more than anything else. She drinks several mugs of the stuff in one sitting and will fight over every last drop. And when she's drunk, Dash tend to do crazy things without really using her head. Our farm got more than a dozen barrels of ciders in that cellar. The last place I wanna be is somewhere she can have her cider to go with her heat and rut me till she's out cold."

"Whelp! So we have a cider-addicted pegasus with an out of control heat. Rainbow's got more problems than I previously thought," you remarked dejectedly.

"And that's just the start of it," Big Mac added.

"....Okay, let's worry about that later. We've got to resolve the matters at hand. Namely, getting me over to Applejack and finding you a safe place. Any ideas how to transfer me to your sister?"

"Hmm...I can ask her for an opinion."

Big Mac informed Applejack about your choice and asked her how she planned to get to over to her body. Additionally, he asked her if she knew any good hiding place on the farm.

You can see Applejack putting a hoof under her chin.

"Hmmmmm. That's a bummer," she said with a scrunched face.

There something adorable about her doing that pose. Perhaps it's the way she fidget with her hoofs. You began to admire her the longer you studied her features. Her mane, hat, coat, well-toned body, freckles, and her cutie mark all worked flawlessly together to create this beautiful mare.

Once in a while, her green eyes will brighten at any ideas that comes her way. Unfortunately, all of them were shot down with a resounding "Eeeenope" from Big Mac. He didn't want to endure anything that involves his. You sit quietly in the eyeballs as the siblings went back and forth with various plans to get you out. Until finally, Applejack just heaved a sigh.

"Ah guess this is where my Elemental power comes into play," she said.

Both you and Big Mac 'huh' in confusion at the same time.

"You see, Twilight's been explaining to us element bearers the secret powers that's contained within our amulets. Interestingly, we can access those power without even wearing the gems. And it only gets weirder from there. Twilight's must've been researching all those thick books she's been carrying around all the time. Gotta admire her studiousness."

"And what does that have to do with our problem, sis?"

"Don't you see? Twilight said that each of the element granted a specific power to each of us. I can use this power to our advantage and get you two safe and sound."

"I'm still a little wary about them magical stuffs. You sure you know what you're doing?"

"...Ah guess it's better for me to show than tell," Applejack smiled, "You ready there, sugarcube?"

Big Mac reluctantly nodded along with you.

"Here it comes," she warned as her eyes started glow white.

Even in Big Mac's body, you can sense the intense power of magic emanating from the Earth Pony. It was shocking that a non-unicorn could so effectively casts a spell. But it's more plausible when you consider the fact that she possesses the most powerful artifact in Equestria: The Elements of Harmony. A tingling sensation spread throughout your body, numbing your arms and legs. Your surrounding started distorting as Applejack continued channeling her power into her brother. You started losing your consciousness as a pulling force dragged you through an empty void...

Some times later

You slowly regained your senses although everything is still a blur. What a ride!, you thought. Mustering your strength, you sit up and looked around. You're relieved to see the sight of the farm and orchards; Applejack didn't disintegrate you like Nightmare Moon. Next to you to the groaning figure of Big Mac all curled up like a ball. He is now at roughly the correct size ratio with you. Wait, does this mean the elements has turned you back to normal? That brief elation was squashed when you looked up and saw Applejack's huge face towering over you. In fact, you are resting upon the mare's hoof. Her face cracked into a big smile when she noticed that you're awake.

"Howdy y'all," her voice thundered, "You two alright?"

"I'm fine but that's not what I'm worried about. How's Big-"

A loud high-pitched scream penetrated the air, stunning your ears. You turned toward the source of the sound and saw Big Mac with eyes like pinpricks looking at his sister with fear.

"Applejack, what did you so to me?!!" he blurted.

"Whoa, nelly. Ya gotta calm down there, big brother."

"Calm? How am I supposed to keep calm when I'm smaller than an apple? I'm the same size as the mage now," Big Mac exclaimed.

"Listen," Applejack stated calmly, "Twilight told me my element's secret power is replicating a cast spell in my vicinity. It means that I can copy the effects of a spell and recast it on a new target of my choice without any prior knowledge of the spell in question. At least that's the way the bookworm puts it."

"Okay, but how am I gonna hide now? I can't do nothing at this size. I won't be hiding in the cellar, barn, clubhouse or even my room," his voice still sounds panicked.

"Oh ya silly. You won't be hiding in those places; you be hiding in me," Applejack said, tapping her hoof on her chest for emphasis, "Ah'm the safest option you got here."


"A place where you don't have to worry about being discovered by Rainbow or any other mares. A place where there's the warmth of family. And a place where I can always keep an eye on my big brother and make sure he's safe."

Applejack leveled her hoof to her mouth and tilted it, allowing the fearful stallion and you to slide toward her throat.

Don't worry, big brother. You are in good hoofs," the mare said in a strangely motherly tone.
June 2, 2023