Still going into Amy
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Tails Looked at her with a serious expression "No we will go to her, I can't just see her crying just because she got rejected again."

both of them look at him very confused and shocked about what he said. He piloted the ship toward her but one of Amy's tears hits the ship pretty hard, Tails tries to stabilizy the ship, but Amy's fist hits the ship accidentally, thus they fall down at the floor with the ship unopperable.

Sally looked at tails with annoyed and angry expression "Nice going Tails, Cream warned you about this and thanks to you now, we are trapped here, hearing the crybaby's voice.''

Cream looked scared, they were now tiny at the mercy of a unaware crying giantess the sight was quitee frightening "Miss Sally, I am so scared, what are we going to do now?" Sally look at both without any idea however, she then occurred one " I say that we should go to Knuckles, he is going to help up getting out of Angel Island and return us to Knothole so that we can return back to our original size."

Tails however didn't looked quite right with the decision "You can go,I will stay here"

"Are you really serious Tails?! for what reason are you going to stay here?" Said sally clearly concerned and confused, Tails whispers to her ear and she nods" Are you really think that she is going to accept, she is a little bit older than you, but it's your life Tails and I want you to be safe, are you really sure that you are not coming with us?" Tails said

''I am not coming, take care Cream for me."Finished Tails

"Promise me to come back safe and sound, Cream let's go."

So which point of you are we going to follow?
June 2, 2023
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