Nope, They are trapped.
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Tails tried to get the ship out of the surface of the egg but it was no use, they were trapped. "NO!" said Tails. Suddenly there was a shake in the ship, the back half of haul was dissolved and the rest was shortly following. Tails got back on his feet after the shock. As he was getting up he noticed that Cream was gone. "Cream? Cream where are you?" Tails said. Tails then saw Cream, She was face first on the surface of the Egg. The egg was absorbing her inside. Cream was half way absorbed into the egg, She was moving her legs frantically, trying to pull herself out of the egg. But it was no use, Cream was quickly absorbed into the egg, making her Sally's baby now. As Cream was inside the egg her body was changing into a day 1 embryo, making her change permanent until she was born again. Tails couldn't believe what he saw, Cream was now Sally's baby because of the egg and soon he will be next. Tails knew that there was no way around it now. Tails jumped from the now destroyed ship and onto the egg. As he was being absorbed he wondered how Sonic and Sally would react to this and how it would affect their lives forever. Within seconds, Tails was absorbed and transformed into a day 1 embryo just like Cream. After Tails and Cream were inside the egg, the egg traveled through Sally's body and attached to the walls of Sally's womb. Tails and Cream will soon be born again, but this time they'll be the children of Sally.
June 2, 2023
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