Perfecto Prep
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Sunlight burst into your vision, which forced you to narrow them to slits. Through your blurred vision, you could see large brick buildings presiding over pristine, manicured lawns, concrete pathways, and bushes covered in colorful and fragrant flowers. The campus looked modern enough, it could easily pass for any random high school or college in America and without context, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

From behind you could hear the voice of your kidnapper, and you whirled around to see her face. She wore a green leotard accented with violet and pink stripes that ran along the length of her arms and legs. She wore a mask (of course she wasn't going to just give up her identity) that obscured much of her face except for her ruby red lips. Kidnapping aside she was a bombshell and if circumstances were different you might have been attracted to her. She let out a loud yawn and stretched her arms backward, which either had the intentional or unintentional side-effect of pushing her prodigious bust out in full display. "Looks like my work here is done. Time for me to skedaddle on out of here. Our time together was a blast, but I've got to go. All of these rich folks make me uneasy. You're lucky that they paid me specifically to deliver you untouched, or I would've 'sampled the goods' on the way here."

That set you off. Your voice dripped with sarcasm as you balled your fists at her and took a defiant stance. "Gee thanks. I'm real appreciative of the excellent service. Let me just put it on my Yelp review.

The woman merely smiled and shrugged her shoulders, as if to say You can't please them all.
This infuriated you to no end as there was no clear way to get"Anyway, what's to stop me from walking right out of here and escaping? I do have magic, you know."

She smirked and waggled her pointer finger. "Oh, they have their ways. Trust me, inside of a week, you'll be nothing but a toy to horny wealthy women and I'd just love to be there to see it. I'm sure our paths will cross again in the future. TTFN, Ta ta for now!"

The woman's arm moved to throw something down, and on reflex, you lunged forward to stop her. "Wait!"
Your actions were in vain however as the mysterious woman threw something down at her feet that exploded into a flash of blinding light.

When your vision cleared the woman had vanished without a trace, leaving nothing but a pair of footprints in the grass.

Just then the ring of a distant bell grabs your focus and your head whips around to see what's happening. It must've been the bell to dismiss classes as you saw droves of bodies begin walking out of the buildings and begin walking around in droves.
June 2, 2023