you wind up getting kidnapped by teens
· original author:
You went with the women, since you did need to know the area and build up a good reputation.

“Alright, let’s show him some of the stores,” Marge said. She took out a small little thick book from her bosom and waved it about. “I’ve got coupons!”

Lois rolled her eyes and muttered, “Do we go with the boring spots first?”

Francine leaned in closer and whispered, “Good reputation means he’ll choose us over the others and we get to see what food he likes. We can then see which ones we can use in food play.”

Lois nodded, “Good idea.”

So you all went to the shopping center, where there were a lot of stores. It was a few blocks away. At one of the clothing stores, your mouth was covered by a hand. And you were pulled into one of the clothes tree circles and out the store’s exit.

Some silky cloth was shoved into your mouth and then some tape was put over your mouth.

As you were shoved into a van, Hayley Smith said, “alright, me and a number of other women all heard about you. We don’t want you to become the boytoy of our moms and other older women and we also don’t want their sloppy seconds. So we’re going to get you first, alright?”

As your hands were tied behind your back and the van started, Judy Jetson cooed, “And you get to play a game! In your mouth is one of our panties! Guess right and you get to be untied for your first time!”

Meg Griffin added, "But guess wrong twice and you'll be forced to date all of us!"

Your shoulders slumped. You went from dealing with really hot toon women who wanted to jump your bones, but wanted to play around first, to their equally hot daughters. Daughters who were taking matters into their own hands with your consent being a nonfactor.

Eventually, the van stopped and you were pulled out. You saw that you were in some warehouse of some kind, one that had been converted into a makeshift home of sorts.

“Now here's the bed. Sure, it's not the fanciest, but it'll do!” a Teenage Pebbles Flitnstone chuckled as she patted a bed with metal bed railings and straps. The bed was right in the middle of a bunch of Toon Teenage girls.

As you were brought over to the bed, you looked around. There were a number of Toon teens, all staring expectantly at you.
June 2, 2023