The direct approach
· original author:
Rita Loud wasn't a subtle woman, nor was she one to mince words. If she had a particular feeling about a person, or had something she needed to say, she was going to say it, regardless of the potential consequences.
It was how she met her first husband, who would go on to give her ten beautiful daughters, and now she was going to use it on you, and she didn't need the magic of any book either.

Better to get the question out of the way then spend her entire life not knowing.
So it was after the last dish was cleaned and put away that she swept you up into her arms and pushed your face into her chest.
You took a deep whiff of fragrance and sighed the smell. Beneath her wetted shirt you could feel the warm surface of her lace bra press against you cheek.
Rita's husky voice flowed into your ear on the wave of a honeed whisper."You know, speaking of cleaning upif you wanted to take upstairs and give the ol' oven a good washing, then I wouldn't mind."

Her words tingles dancing up your spine, and it wasn't hard to tell what she was insinuating. "I interested. A little bit on the nose, but still interested. Tell me more."

Rita chuckled at your response and said, "There's not much to tell, except that I want to wring your nuts dry. You're the first man to come around in a long time, so we've all been feeling dry.Since you're here I want to make the most of it."

"What about your husband? Or your daughters? I'm all for it, obviously, but I want to make sure that you're ready for it, as well.

Rita's eyes flashed a pained look that lingered for a split second, before her lips turned up into a warm smile. "Aw, that's sweet of you, but I have to accept that my husband is gone, and he's not coming back. As for my daughter's..."

She spin you around and then leaned into a heavy kiss. "...Chances are that if they got a hold of you it would take a crowbar to pry them off. So, how about you and me make like rabbits and get to multiplying?"

You nodded at her, blushing furiously and still breathless from the last kiss.
"Y-yeah. S-sure. Of course. L-let's do it!"

(What happens next?)
June 2, 2023