Modify Rouge in Amy’s womb while she sleeps
You looked at Amy's huge and lively pregnant belly, You gulped seeing the round belly move and squirm with life, life that was close to take adventage of you in the form of a sensual Bat that though too high and fell hard that got deaged and made unborn for all her troubles.

You shuffle your way next to her belly, it was huge, almost as big as your entire body, You gulped and threw a look to the sleeping hedgehog that in a span of few moments just became a mother of her rival that also knocked her out and almost attempted to do certain elicits things with your magic.

Now she was here. Within the confines of Amy's body, squirming. Her tiny body sumerged on the tight but soft layers of flesh, kicking and moving as she sleep (You think) while being supplied with oxygen and nutrition to survive there by the cord that connects her with Amy.

You though, was Rouge still herself? Or did the regression made her lose all her memories and... well herself? Is she even Rouge anymore? There is a few things that didn't sit right on how you grandma handled the situation but did Rouge deserve that? She sounded scared when she regressed on age before her brain undeveloped enough to no longer hold her sapience.

Then again, she knocked Amy and though on using your magic, she isn't innocent of all this and in a sense, your grandma was right: Rouge needed to be though a lesson of a lifetime and much better education.

Still, it didn't sit right.

You made your choice. Your hands slow but gently landed on the firm round belly of Amy, you looked on the hedgehog, she was still sleeping soundly, was she an heavy sleeper? Either way you, focus your magic on you hands as Amy's belly became transparent, seeing the adorable form of Baby Rouge turning around, kicking the walls of her former rival-now-mother.

She was still the same, other than few pink quills that were forming on her head, gaining the hedgehog traits from Amy already, You decided to stop it and revert it to be a full bat again but leave the color of fur changing. You got on touch of her soul by using Necromancy (It's not just raising corpses to do your chores after all.) she was spiritually conscious but also scared, terrified of her new arrangements. You send her reassurance vibes which calms her a bit, she gonna eventually by no longer Rouge but Memories and bits of personality of her past life will leak out as she grows up.

She won't be Rouge but someone else, a combination of both and hopefully, a better version. Based on her growth and stage of development, She is due in any moment, you decided to halt for at least, two months but depending of Amy's reaction, you could regress her to just few days after conception if Amy wish to experience it like a real pregnancy or if she want Rouge to be hers and turn her back to an hedgebat.

With that done, you ended the spells and sighed. You feel Amy stirring up which caused you to freeze, It seems that she was waking up.

Is time for the explaining.. oh boy..
June 2, 2023
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