Staying Quiet as Amy Awakens
· original author:
Rouge was about to explain the next part of her plan until everything around you and her was beginning to shake. “Oh no... Amy is waking up” Rouge explains. She then looks at you and whispers, “Try to not make a sound or squirm at all. She can’t know we’re in here or my plan will be ruined. Amy was opening her eyes feeling a little dazed after her forced nap. She began rubbing the back of her head feeling a bit of pain back there. “Oww... what happened?” She was trying to recall what happened and remembered meeting you and wanting to keep you safe then everything was a big blur. She then looked around to see you nowhere in sight. “Aww... he probably ran away. I must have scared him”. She then noticed that she was able to see her womanhood in plain view. She blushed bright red then yelling in embarrassment before yelling, “Why am I naked?!”. She places her hands to cover up her pussy but when she made contact she felt a wetness. She her love juices leaked out and start making a huge stain after your and Rouge’s invasion of her privates and movement deep in her womb. She blushes some more and quickly removes the sheets to have them clean while saying, “This is so embarrassing”. After having the sheets washing she made it back to her room and thought that her body needs cleaning as well.

Amy grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom. Once inside she placed the towel down and entered the shower. She turns the faucet and her body was being covered in fresh water cleaning off all the sweat and love juices her body released. She started running her hands over her body starting with her chest. She went to massage her breasts but immediately knew something was wrong when she rubbed one of her nipples by accident making her let out a squeal like moan in the process. She looked at her chest and noticed they have grown a couple of cup sizes and that they felt sensitive now. She then decided to examine the rest of her body feeling her buttocks being plush and round and larger than before. Then finally her hips being wider making her feeling even bigger. “What happened to me while I was asleep?”. The last thing she noticed the little bulge in her belly wondering what it was. She then started poking at the bulge where unfortunately you were residing in. You tried your best not to make a sound or make any movement as you felt your body being pressed all over from outside the womb. “Am I gaining weight or could I probably be bloated?” Amy asks herself. You and Rouge look at each other hoping she doesn’t figure it out. Amy lets out a small chuckle then says, “If it were possible it would look like I’m just a few months in being pregnant”. She lefts out another chuckle and continues with, “Boy I wished that human would have stayed with me. I want to experience the joys of motherhood and have a little one of my own running around”. Inside Amy’s womb you looked toward Rouge to see her have a huge grin on her face. “See? I’m giving her exactly what she wanted, just giving her a little extra added twist”. Amy decided to rub her little bulge in her belly and shrugged off what was going on with her body and continued cleaning herself.

Amy just finished showering and started drying herself off then wrapping the towel around her body. She walks then toward the nearby drawer and pulled out a pair of white panties. She slips her legs into the holes of the panties and slips the rest over covering her private area. Amy was then beginning to feel the panties squeezing her ass tightly and looking like her ass was eating her panties. “Did my panties shrink? Maybe I can find another”. She tries a couple of other pairs of panties and it was all the same with it being tight on her ass. She then went to another drawer an pulled out a matching white bra. She started placing it over her chest and then once wrapped around she began to feel her chest being squeezed. She struggled with her bra until she clipped her bra on but with her new breast size the bra looked like it could burst at any moment. With a little struggling in her breath she makes her way to the closet pulling out another of her iconic red dress. She slips the dress over her body then slips on her red boots and proceeds to walk toward the full body mirror. Her reflection shows that with her new assets her dress rose a bit revealing a bit of her ass behind and her panties in the front. I think I might have outgrown my clothes and underwear and need to go buy some new ones”. She couldn’t help bounce causing both her large boobs and ass to jiggle making her giggle. “It’s a good thing I’m meeting with the rest of my friends to celebrate today’s victory against Omletta”.

You started to feel a little anxious wondering if Amy is going to find out you and Rouge are hiding in her womb and how she would react. You whisper to Rouge and say, “We need to get out of here before she finds out about us”. “I would agree with you but she is awake right now and any move we make she will feel us. What do we do?”. You roll your eyes and then tell her in a whisper, “Use the book! There’s gotta be a spell to help us sneak out of her”. Rouge blushed a bit feeling kind of silly of not thinking that. She slowly reaches into her cleavage and pulls out the magic book where it floats right in front of her and with her magical powers skimmed through the pages. After looking through many of the pages she decided...
June 2, 2023