You hate to do this to Amy but you're the A...
Amy smirked at you until she saw [I]you[/i] smirk and muttered the words "Gotcha'!" And reveals, much to hernshock, that the magical bidings were gone as you began to float out of the chair.

"H-how?" She stuttered

"Did you forget that I have powe~ers!" You sing song'ed that as you began to cast the same biding spell to Amy, the magical Pink hedgehog fought back magically even brought her hammer but you whisked it away from her hands.

While her grasp of magic was good, she was still pretty much a novice as you were an archmage of exuberant power and experience beyond her own and thus, you bind her with the same spell she did to you but more powerful versions of it she couldn't get away from, she yelped feeling her hands being brought to her back and being bound, her legs and feets tied together as well on magical ropes.

Then you hurl her too the bed behind the chair. Her wonderful magically grown assets jiggling and bouncing as she began to trash

"How!?" She demanded but there was fear behind her tone too.

"I studied magic far longer than you, I know how to conjure every spell from the book and more, the book is merely a focus which make my spell casting easier but I frankly don't need it since I'm apt to it. It just convenient thing to have to have, I wanted to politely get out off your home to not have any problem and instead you hurt me, rendering me unconscious, had me bound and regressed with the intention of fulfill whatever perverted fantasies you have." You say as you snapped you clothes back to reality and onto yourself you but mantained your youngful form. You frowned down at her. Who gulped, looking now terrified.

"I'm sorry! I'm deeply sorry! I didn't mean to! I-I I just wanted to have fun! And I thought you would enjoy it too! P-please, I didn't meant to hurt you or use your magic beyond improving my figure! I didn't wanted to go on without your concent!" She pleaded, tears rolled down from her eyes and onto her cheeks.

You look at her bit in disbelief as the book floated besides you, Amy pleads seems genuine but seconds ago, she was really into raping you. Despite her grasp on magic being good and everything that entail, she used it on selfish reasons... well, you can't accuse her of that.

But you can on rape and kidnapping on a minor, which you don't exist here and you weren't a minor.. but still

What do you do?

- Options -

1 - Give her a chance but nothing else, leave her home as it is and go somewhere else in Mobius.
2 - Same as above but you give her limited magic teaching, being impressed from what she had done in short time.
3 - Remove her improvements and regress her in age as punishment. She hurted you and and exploited your magic.
4 - Have your way with her while she is bound, she planned to rape you, after all, maybe take her with you in your travels.
5 - Suddenly someone come in, have heard it all and speak on Amy's behalf.
June 2, 2023