You were shrunk somehow, trapped between Amy...
You were on a tight place, warm and furry. Quite squishy yet firm and soft. The prison was jiggling, bounce, you could feel and hear the sound of heart beats from one of the walls. You heard a giggle above you, you looked up to see the that the crevice opened a bit revealing her face, titanic and quite large with a toothy grin on you.


"A-Amy?" You gasped, feeling your prison jiggling and tighen on you.

"Yep! Confy? I made them bigger to hold you nicely in place!" She says chirpily.

"Where am I?"

"You're between my boobs, silly!" She revealed with a giggle, thlace shook a bit "I made them bigger for you but also had to shrunk you, so you couldn't escape me."

"Shrunk... me?" You say a bit in disbelief "How?"

June 2, 2023
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