Sonica tosses a Gold Ring at you to see if Tika...
· original author:
"Actually Tikal, how are you so sure that rings will send me into a state of arousal? There are an infinite of parallel universes, just because the people from ones that you have interacted with before became uncontrollably horny doesn't mean I will."

"He has a good point, lets find out" says Sonica before tossing a ring at you which you catch in surprise. Once in your hand it glows brightly and disappears and you are filled with energy like you just down four cans of caffeinated energy drink and feel quite horny but not uncontrollably so.

"Woah what a rush! I'm so charged right now I feel like I could run a marathon and yeah I'm horny but it's not to bad."

"Sonica! You can't just throw rings at people from other dimensions to see how they react!" Yelled Tikal

"Well I did and his fine aren't you traveler?"

"Yeah just energised and kinda horny." You respond trying to hide your erection while also trying and failing not to vibrate on the spot.

"See no harm done, it's not as bad as you said."

"You still shouldn't of done it."

"Probably but

June 2, 2023
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