Make someone else the father.
You decided to risk it and risk it a lot. You wanted to see if Cream becomes something else with the right genes. She had natural abilities of a Rabbit being able to fly with her long ears and use of Chao like if they were projectiles but what if she has the right genes. The right talents that could complement her abilities? She can fly but she could be something far more.

You looked at the blastocyst that one day it's going to become an adorable baby rabbit in the incoming months. You did considered in giving her siblings but Vanilla was a single mother in canon and frankly, you didn't wanted her to be tortured with many children in her care.

With magic, you created a temporal field around the jello-like mass and stopped. The cellular formation simply stopped moving and pulse, shift and turn. You expanded the field encompassing the entire organ and regressed in time.

The blastocyst began shrink and dissolved and, regressing in stages little by little, soon it got small and rounded, soon it turns back into a fertilized egg, a zygote that just separated from the uterine wall and the nucleus reunite to become one once again.

When you were done, the Egg returned back to its unfertilised stage and a tiny wiggling, white tadpole popped out of its restored membrane. You stopped on this point and grabbed the insect sized sperm cell that tries to get away get back to the egg

"Sorry little slimy buddy but this a matter of science." You chuckled "I promise you to fulfill your purpose, likely in another time and woman, possibly." With a quick spell, you put the tiny sperm in a temporal stasis and put it in a jar.

You store the jar on your backpack and looked and your principal, round goal. Vanilla's ripe egg cell that would eventually grow to become Cream the Rabbit.

Now... What to do with it? You wanted to see if you could make Cream have a strong talent, hidden ability or affinity onto something...

- Options -

1 - Synthesize a sperm with special abilities, maybe out of the heroes that will become her friends eventualy.
2 - Use your own sperm, make this Cream you progeny and with magic abilities.
3 - Modify the sperm you have in the jar, some good old fashioned genetic manipulation.
4 - Maybe Synthesize a sperm from the girls she will befriend with?
5 - Reader's Choice
June 2, 2023