The VERY Early Days
· original author:
From the outside, no one would've ever guess that Vanilla was pregnant, not even Vanilla herself. Hell, you could argue she actually looked slimmer here than she would later on into motherhood. But your magic-tech didn't lie: Vanilla was pregnant alright, just not for very long.

You decided to carefully wiggle down Vanilla's dress, slipping pass her stomach and down into her lower regions as you made your way into her womb, with only a small tingle being registered by Vanilla. Once inside the womb, you could see that the babyroom was still very much empty and hollow, and anyone here wouldn't suspected that a baby was currently growing. You floated around the area, following the energy signature your table was tracking, wondering where the baby was. It didn't take long for you to softly bump into something.

It was Vanilla's egg post-fertilization. Well, at it's current state, it was less of an egg and more of a blastocyst. Regardless, you knew that this was Cream back when she didn't look a thing like Cream. It was an interesting find, making it all the more riskier should you decided to perform any of your spells or tricks. One mis-step in this very sensitive time period, and the youthful, innocent rabbit could end up with a radically different life.

After much thought, you decided to...
June 2, 2023