First Time Clothing Shopping for Tails
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After some walking, Amy and Tails finally reached a shopping center. Amy kept leading Tails until she says, “Here we are” leading Tails to one of her favorite stores. Tails looks at it and asks, what’s so great about this place. Amy then gives an explanation, “This place has all the latest fashions and the most cutest things. This is actually where I bought my favorite dress. Also, the store owner is just the nicest person you’ll ever meet. I think you met her once before. But try to act you don’t know her if you do”. Tails agrees and they both head inside.

Once inside, their eyes viewed the many dresses, underwear, and accessories as far as the eye can see. Tails had no idea what to pick since she never wore clothes when she was a guy. “What do you think looks good for me Amy?”. Before she could answer she heard a familiar voice. “Well if it isn’t my favorite customer”. Amy turns around to see Honey the Cat and when Tails saw her she did feel like she did see her somewhere before but like Amy said best not to remember at the moment. Amy rushes to give Honey a hug saying, “It’s so good to see you Honey”. After they both separated from their hug Tails walks toward them and Honey spots her. “And whose this? Wait... she somehow looks familiar. Both Amy and Tails were sweating bullets thinking the secret was revealed, especially when Honey yells out thinking she figured it out. “I know! Are you in any way related to that cute fox boy Tails?”. Both Amy and Tails looked at each other then Amy answers with, “Yeah... something like that”. “I thought so. But between you and me, he may be cute but it seems you got the cute and sexy working for you” Honey says while examining Tails’ curves, butt and large chest. Tails blushes while saying, “T-thank you”. Honey then went ahead and asks, “So, what’s your name?”. “Oh, my name is Mile-, I mean Millie. Nice to meet you”. “The pleasures all mine Millie. Feel free to look around and if you need any help let me know”. Tails thanks her and both she and Amy kept lookin around the store.

There were many dresses and looks to choose from, Tails couldn’t decide. Luckily for her, Amy was there to help and choose out a few dresses and even some normal outdoor clothes to wear and Tails headed to the clothing store. “Hold on. Aren’t you forgetting something?” Tails turns around not knowing what she meant until Amy started pointing at the section with bras and panties. “Do I really have to?” Tails asks where Amy immediately replies, “Yes you do! I allowed you to go clamando for this long but now you need to put on some underwear. Also a bra since I can your breasts bounce everyone during our walk here. Judging from your bust you look like a D cup so go find one”. Tails annoyed went to find a bra and panties her size and finds one in blue as the first one she takes. “Blue, does it remind you of a certain friend of ours?” Amy asks jokingly. Not realizing that connection until now Tails yells, “Cut it out Amy!”. She pulls a couple more of them and heads to the changing room. She takes one of the booths and immediately starts putting that blue bra and panties. Already she thought it was weird. Weird already that she has spherical shapes of fat growing on her chest and now her thing replaced by a pair of lips with a tunnel inside. Now she has to wear a piece of fabric between her legs and to hold her new chest. She puts then both on and pleasantly enough, they felt great on her body with no signs of discomfort. She chose next to wear a skater dress in a teal color that had a hole in the back for her “tail” to fit through. She puts it on and then looks at her with a mirror provided in the booth. There she looks at herself the more she likes how she looked in the dress but she needed another opinion.

Tails steps out of the booth and see Amy outside where she asks shyly with her arms behind her back, “What do you think Amy?”. She happily responds, “Oh my gosh Tails! You look so cute. If you were s girl this whole time I’m sure the guys would be all over you”. Surprising to hear this kind of compliment she asks, “Y-you think so?” In which Amy nods. Tails didn’t know what else to think. Every since his change from boy to girl he’s been hiding these new emotions welling up inside him. He thought to himself, will this change his preference that since she’s a girl now will she like guys now? Hearing that compliment from Amy made her think more about it. She then decided to worry about it later as she doubt no situation involving that topic would occur soon. She went ahead and tried the rest of the clothes she picked out and with Amy’s approval went ahead and bought them. Honey helped with their transaction in which Tails paid in rings and Honey says, “Thank you for your purchases. We hope to see you again soon.” They both left the store while Honey waved goodbye to them.

“Now that we bought you some clothes we should go get something to eat” Amy says thinking Tails was listening. Tails carrying shopping bags filled with her clothes thought of things like is there a way to change her back into a he even though having no clue how it happened in the first place. Or should she embrace her new life as a female and think of looking for her significant male other. All those thoughts left her distracted to not only get separated from Amy but bump into another mobian. She fell backwards landing on her butt letting out an “Oww...” while the contents of her bags spilled on the floor. She rubs her butt to soothe the pain when she saw a shadow loom over her which must have been the mobian she ran into. “Do you need some help?” Tails heard and by the sound of it was male and familiar. She looks up to see it was...
June 2, 2023