Amy’s Help
· original author:
The one who entered the workshop was none other than the pink hedgehog herself Amy. “Tails, are you here? I wanted to know if you can fix my communicator. I haven’t been able to contact Cream or the rest of our friends. Hellllooo?” Tails was looking at Amy looking for her but she was hidden nearby. Amy looked near the Tornado where there was enough space for Tails to sneak past her and run to her room. She crept and sneaked behind Amy not making a sound and thought she was in the clear. Unfortunately for her, one of her tools was on the floor where she stepped on it and it rolled under her foot and she fell ending with a *thud*. Amy turned to see Tails on the floor with her vagina and breasts exposed while she was rubbing her new round butt. It took a moment for Tails to notice Amy seeing her where Amy’s face was red and that led Tails to tell out, “Kyaa!” before using her tails to cover her vagina and her arms to cover her D cup breasts. “Tails? What happened to you?”. The only answer Tails can come up with is, “I don’t know”. “What do you mean you don’t know?. You mean you didn’t cause this?”. Tails with tears in her eyes shakes her head no and explains she just woke up like that after resting from fixing her plane. Tails has no reason to make this stuff up so Amy believes her. Tails looks like she was about to cry while saying, “I don’t know what to do now”. Amy tries to cheer him up by saying, “Don’t worry Tails. I’ll help you keep this a secret from our friends. And the first thing to do is get you some clothes before you go out in the open”. “What’s wrong with me just going outside like this?” Tails asks not realizing what the problem is. Amy rolls her eyes and explains, “We can’t leave you with all those for all to see” where she points at her breasts poking through her chest fluff and her pussy in front not covered by her tails.

Tails agreed and Amy told her that she can give one of her clothes for the meanwhile until they go to a clothing store and get Tails some new clothes. Amy managed to find a long piece of fabric that she can cover Tails with like a cloak. She puts it over Tails and left Tails’ house and headed towards Amy’s house which was close by and hopefully less possible to be spotted by someone. After a few minutes they reached Amy’s house and they both entered and they headed towards Amy’s bedroom. Tails stayed near the door while Amy walks to and opens her closet. The first thing that Tails spots in Amy’s closet is the many red dress that Amy wears. “How many of those red dresses do you have?”. Amy instantly replies, “I like this dress. Who cares if I have many of them”. Tails just accepts that while Amy tosses one of her dresses to Tails where she immediately puts it on. The dress felt a little tight on her chest and her butt was a little exposed under but it at least managed to cover any chance for anyone to see her pussy. “Sorry Tails. I can’t give you any of my panties since they look like they might not fit you” insinuating about her large butt that would like her butt is eating Amy’s panties if worn. Tails understands and looks at herself wearing the dress then saying, “I think there might be a few problems wearing this, but at least it covers enough. We should find a clothing store right away”.

Tails was rushing out of the bedroom ready to leave until Amy stops her by yelling, “Hold on”. Tails did halt and asks, “What is it now?”. Amy then replies, “I think there is one more thing we need to hide, don’t you think?”. Tails was confused what she meant until Amy pointed in which Tails found out it was directed to her twin Tails. “How many other foxes you’ve seen that have two tails. Hold on I might have something that will help”. Amy goes to a dresser and opens a drawer. Inside was a pair of gold ring accessories like the ones she wears around her wrist but they were much larger. She went back towards Tails and asks, “Do you mind holding your tails together?”. Tails nods and kept her two tails together while Amy slipped the gold rings over her tails. “There”. Amy was finished and now concealed her two tails by disguising them into a large fluffy single tail. “This feels weird” Tails says trying to get used to it looking in a mirror and moving her two tails as one in which Amy replies, “I know, but at least it will be pretty hard to tell it’s you.

Tails agrees and they both headed out the house and on their way to buy new clothes for Tails. Then what happens next is...
June 2, 2023