An Portal spell, you send them to another dimen...
· original author:
A bolt of blue energy erupted from your hand and armed through the where the evilweasel and rat stood. It struck the ground at their feet and ripped open a rift in the floor that began to rapidly expand outward.

The weasel snarled and jumped back in fright and tried to reach for his gun. It was too late, however as he tripped over an exposed tree root and fell into the shimmering portal.

As he fell, he desperately grabbed onto the ankle of his rat partner, who despite his best efforts to freehimsrlf from his boss' grip, was inevitably dragged into the chasm alongside him.

His last words were a blood curdling scream before he was sucked into the unknown.
The portal collapsed soon afterward, and so did you, as you had put all of your power into this one attack.

You heard screams come from behind, and when you turned to look you saw Vanilla and Cream run up to you.
"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?! Did he hurt you?" She asked in grave concern. Cream stared at you from behind her with wide eyes and covered mouth.
It was clear that they were scared for your wrll-being, and given how vicious of temperam their captor was, it was a fear that was not unfounded.

While still breathing heavily you rolled onto your back and gave them a tired thumbs up.
"I-I'm fine. Just... a little winded," you replied between labored breaths. "You xon't have to sorry about them anymore."

Your words gave Vanilla some comfort, and bet features relax a bit.
Her expression soon became guarded however, as what she had witnessed was beyond anything she'd seen before.

She asked slowly,' "Just where did you send them?"
June 2, 2023