You noticed that you were sandwiched between an...
When you woke up, you initially thought that you were on a bed with very jiggling pillows, but as soon you properly woke up and stated your surroundings, you noticed that you weren't on the cushion but rather on People, very familiar lagomorph people.

Cream and her mother, Vanilla.

You woke up above their tied, prone yet very curvy forms, and the pillows turned out to be their rather ample bosom where your head rested, particularly on Vanilla's part being the biggest of the two, her usual dress barely sustaining these while also highlighting her delicious curvature. Cream wasn't better; her outfit was nearly the same as her canon self but adjusted for her surprisingly mature body.

But you weren't here to ogle.

No, they were in the same situation as you did; tied, gagged, and kidnapped, both were highly awake, scared, and concerned.

"Now, what are we gonna do with the rabbits now that we have the shapeshifter, Jack?"

"Hmm, well, the boss says that he wanted females as breeding slaves and what's better than rabbits?" On this, the Rabbits eyes widened, and the same captor continues "Something about expanding the family's bloodline and making them useful, I don't know criminal families, right? Although, I don't think that the boss wouldn't mind if we give them a... test run."

By this point, both rabbits were in a panic now, Cream tried to scream but all that was muffled attempts, meanwhile Vanilla tried and struggled on remove her bindings but to no avail.

Meanwhile, You...

You were calm.

"Can you both stop doing so much ruckus?! Oh! Look at it, he woke up! Well, how was your nap? We made sure you were on the best bed and the softest meat pillows!" Both Cream and Vanilla glared at him, the scumbag, who was an unhinged-looking mobian, talked in a mocking tone, he didn't address them but rather to you.

He didn't realize that you weren't tied anymore, having used magic to vaporize the bindings, all while still glaring at the grinning face of the criminal.

"Come on, what's with the face? I envy you right now! Two fuckmeats, mother and daughter, all so close to their good parts." He says "Shame that I have to sell them too, would love to have my way with them before eating them."

"Ok, this guy is worse than I thought." You never expected to get face-to-face with a cannibal as your first encounter in this world, it seems that the duo didn't expect that either, now they looked more scared than before. "Hey, don't be scared now, I won't eat you, just gonna have some fun-"

In that you struck, launching a mana bolt straight to the face of the weasel, you acted fast by grabbing the rabbits with magical tendrils and teleported, just as the criminal pushed the driver, making the vehicle go out of control and crashing into a tree.


"You two are ok?" You asked as you undid the bindings, you managed to teleport onto a forest nearby alongside the lagomorph Mobians you rescued, both of who were checking their wrist.

"Yes... Thank You for saving us." You heard Vanilla speak, you smiled only to be surprised by Cream hugging you, pushing your head in between her chest.

"Our hero!"

Well, you didn't mind this sort of reward as you weren't in any danger, but it was fortunate that you were there for them, if it weren't for you, they would've ended up in a fate of being baby factories for some mafia family. Unfortunately, the celebration was short-lived as you heard a yell of frustration and anger nearby as well as a few gunshots.

"Fuck! That's it! I'm gonna kill you three! I don't care about the money, you are all dead meat!" The sudden howl caused both rabbits to stiffen but you frowned instead.

He survived.

"We aren't safe yet." You say as Cream lets go of you, "I can face him, restrain him even."

"Absolutely Not!" Vanilla opposed sharply, "We have to escape, get the authorities and have them deal with him; while I am thankful for saving us, I'm not letting you go against a dangerous man!"

"Come on, mom, I can help!"

"Creamy, No! One thing is fighting Eggman with Sonic and the rest, The other is fighting an unhinged armed madman on your own!"


"Please, listen to your mother, It is dangerous."

"This is also directed to you!" Vanilla turned to you, "I don't know anything about you and while I appreciate that you saved us, you're too young to go and be the hero. Please... don't go into a dangerous situation in which you may not return." The mother says with a pleading tone.
June 2, 2023
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