The "Emergency" Meeting Part 2
"...Thank you, come again!" Twilight Velvet waved as the last mare left the library and soon as they left, she sighed and closed the door of the establishment, going back, she took off the metaphorical mask of an composed mare and returned the 'real' Twilight Velvet, an mare that is frustrated or rather pent up. Twilight Velvet could be said to be an mare of many things and unhappy isn't one of them but rather... empty and frustrated.

Despite having all in life, an successful business, being a celebrated and popular writer, married with a loving husband and made equally successful children with him, she felt empty but know the source of her emptiness, it didn't take an psychologist to know her trouble.

She had empty nest syndrome. Essentially, she miss the times she was pregnant, the times birthed and raised her little ones, all the good and bad but now they're on their own leading their own, separated lives as Royalty of Equestria or the Crystal Empire, by Tartarus, she was grandmother now!

"How time passes" She though "It feels like Yesterday when Shiny and Twily were just little and adorable foals, asking me for cookies." She sighed again before looking quite frustrated "I'm not old yet, in fact, didn't Celestia and Luna gifted us with new lease of youth and encouraged us to have more?" And this is the reason why she is so frustrated, After Flurry Heart was born, the princesses of the sub and the moon, Celestia and Luna gave them an gift, one of renewed youth, as a reward for being the parents of such outstanding ponies but there was subtle but quite clear message in their wording.

They expect more in the future.

And frankly, she did agreed wholeheartedly. There is something they never told anypony, well, mostly Twilight, she is one sheltered in her books to become the Princess's Student so the façade of dutiful and pious parents is the only thing she saw growing up but She and Night Light were.. fun seekers, of sort, especially on matters concerning on the bed, before their marriage, they were already rutting with other ponies or even representatives of other kingdoms and species back when she and Night Light were consultants and assistants of the princess of the sun, and sometimes living hotels for those that were willing to wait for the Princess to approve their meeting with her. What her little daughter doesn't know is that she have quite a number of half-siblings around, most sired by Night Light and a few came from her very womb.

What she is frustrated over is, even with Celestia's blessing, Night Light hadn't touched her for quite sometime, while he does respect his wished to be chaste, she was a mare with needs and those needs have to be met-

"Uh?" The Mare stopped as an new barrage of information come to her mind, its been a while since she recieved reports of what is happening within her body, the populous collective of cells that mantain her innards, after all, were all part of her but she had ceased receiving those ever since she left the Palace Job-


The mare gasped sharply before covering her mouth, she looked on her surroundings only to quickly notice that she was alone, the stream of information ended just as suddenly. She confused and highly surprised on what she recieved from her ponycells. There was somepony, no, someone in her body, an human being was on the stallion spa that was in her womb, an member of a dead species, just casually appeared entering in her womb, he have old magic, like an alicorn's, the best part was that it was an male, an highly compatible virile male.

Her surprise and bewilderment slowly morphed into elation and giddiness. An virile male was in her womb "And if Night Light is unwilling to produce an foal, then he is going to help me have one", She smirks as the iris of her eyes glows, relaying orders to her ponycells, orders that had foundation of a plan in formation, an plan involving the human guess in her body, one that would make him give his very being to her.

One step at a time.


"... It is done." The governess, her eyes stopped glowing just like the others within the room "We have permission and new set of orders, you all know what to do?" They all nodded, she grin "Good, Velvet want those foals concieved during her heat season, let's have him stay until then."
June 2, 2023