Meanwhile, in the lab.
A circle of Velvet clones wearing white labcoats stood around a holographic display showing a blown-up picture of a double helix along with various data tables and graphs related to the main display. The group of scientists quietly murmured among themselves, and scrutinizing the data they had gathered through careful testing and analysis. Word had quickly gotten around that a male ha finally decided to enter Velvet's inner sanctum, and for this, many a researcher had been dragged out of bed and put to work decoding the secrets of the mystery stallion to determine if he was compatible wit Twilight Velvet's ovums

Its all thanks to the heroic precense of the White Cell of Cervix Sector that brought this mystery stallion further into the body, located in a vert secured location on the shape of a spa. They had gathered descriptions, video tapes and enough sperm samples for researchs. Many had brought the hypothesis that the mystery male was no other but human, an mythical ape-like species long though to be extinct by an mysterious cause, leaving their still intact walled cities complete abandoned and taken by nature and can be found only in areas similar to the Everfree Forests. Many were shocked in this revelation but now were skeptical if the so-called extinct man would be compatible with Velvet's genetics and her ovum, simulations were in progress, studies and other researches were made as soon as the news came.

Sperm was completely overcharged with magic, magic powerful and ancient. The theory of human possessing magic was utterly correct in this regard. It wasn't different from pony sperm, using samples of Night Light's own sperm as comparison but it was indeed more charged in power.

"We got result!" A Velvet Cell in lab coat came with a clipboard on hoof into the main central lab, eveycell in the room look at her expectantly, excited and nervous on what results would be.

All eyes turned to a happy and excited worker who had been busily working on a console off to the side to sequence the male's genome to find any potential defects and quickly correct them, and in doing so had come across a surprising breakthrough.
"He's a human all right, and a very fertile one as well. His sperm count levels are coming at least 4 times the number of a healthy pony stallion
That's not all, either. While looking through the genetic code we found a number of markers to suggest that not only, does he have the traits of a human, but pony ones as well. This "stallion" may very well be a human-pony hybrid all on his own!"

Everycell started to murmur,now more happily and hopeful, all talking on possible theories and hypothesis but it was pretty much confirmed one thing, he was totally compatible with ponies if he was an Human-Pony hybrid despite looking like a human.

"Look! The simulations! "The hologram on the center of the room that shows two DNA strands, one of the humans' genes and the other of Velvet's, they broke and then reassembled to form a single perfect DNA strand.



What shows on the holographic table was was a series possible offsprings colts and fillies, almost all unicorns but there was a fair share of Alicorns and Humans.

Unicorn, 65% chance for dominance, 75% chance to be female
Possible hybrid traits: Increased teat size and lactation, increased height and slender, graceful frame, possible eruption of canines,

Human, 30% chance for dominance, 70% chance to be female
Possible hybrid traits: Increased facial neoteny, 15% increase in ocular circumference, equine hair color, equine reproductive tract and estrous, possible tail

Alicorn, 5% chance for dominance, Unknown chance of sex
Possible Hybrid Traits: Unknown

Everyone looked on the displays... then they exploded in cheers and pats on their backs. Many began to make even further experiments and studies to increase the odds for Unicorn, others for Alicorns as it was a quite a surprise that it was even there but the magic potential of the human combined with Velvet's must be so big that it told genetics to bring Alicorn foals already so they went for that oportunity and capitalize it.

One of the Cell went to a phone of the wall and started marking a number and then called "Yes? With the Uterine Governess Office? This is the Centre Gene Lab... Yes Central Uterine City, very same.." She grinned, ready to say the next words "You know the stallion in the Stallion Spa, the very same the white cells of the cervical sector brought, right? We finished the studies and it'd a rotund 100%! Yes! It's a Human-Pony hybrid despite being mostly human! Yes! His genes and Velvet's are compatible! Much more than that! We're talking of possibility of Alicorns! ... Yes! I'm serious! Completely serious! Wake up the Governess, call the press! We need to divulge this beyond Central Uterine City!" She then hung up the phone and joined in the celebration-research.

- Options -

1 - Continue with You in the Stallion Spa.
2 - More of the Governess and the press.
June 2, 2023