Carrot ruts a Princess (Celestia)
Several Minutes Ago..

"Hmm.. simply exquisite." Princess Celestia stated as she ate her cake in relative peace, her visit to the town and subsequently, the establishment was completely surprising, this was like a third time she came to visit in a long time and her visits often brought lots of ponies coming to the Cakes' Bakery.

That being said, her visits were rare as stated before but compared to other towns, they were much more frequent. The first time she came to the store was when Twilight came to supervise the Summer Sun Celebration and the day Princess Luna was freed from her enraged, cursed, persona of Nightmare Moon thanks to the aforementioned unicorn and her friends, that being said she came alongside Luna afterthe Summer Sun Celebration resumes as it was planned, she was very subtle about it but she was... gluttonous.

But the Cakes didn't care, it was an blessing that the princesses came to the establishment to eat and througt that, it attracted lots of clientele and patrons. The second time was surprising, months after the event and was because she wanted a taste of their specials desserts and visit her priced student - and, yes it was in that order - so they prepared an grand buffet with everything they could think of but left in a rush as she arrived, leaving even her pet behind and returned for it.

But now, she was here again in total surprise - and without guard - her appearance here came completely unannounced and on the closing hours to boot, the worst part was that Carrot is on two pony short of personnel with Cup and Pinkie away with the twins and worked to the bone to get the orders the princess of the sun wanted and to make matters even more complicated, the genetics deep in his dangling family jewels decided to make themselves know by doing something on there, making him feel no only bloated there but also having an increasing libido, all while the Princess was here, eating cupcake after cupcake until noticing that he was trembling, looking around nervously while doing his best not to ogle the princess, fantasizing on rutting her flanks and doing his best to hide his growing hard-on on front of her.

"Is something on the matter?" The Princess of the Sun asked to the trembling stallion who snapped his thoughts away on the sound of her voice, he stopped trembling only to see that white Alicorn looking at him with curiosity and concern "Something is bothering you."

"N-no! It's nothing princess! I-I I think the Apple Pie is done, I should go to retrieve it for you!"

The Princess looked at him weirdly as he backs away while bowing once on the counter where it hides his legs, he quickly rushed to the kitchen doors, leaving the poor princess unattended, noting the rather nervous nature of the stallion and seeing he wasn't returning, she decided to snoop around the place, looking on the other cakes and other pastries in display, she salivated on seeing those well crafted desserts, while the ones on Canterlot was nothing to sneeze at, the ones from this particular establishment were far more tastier, she made the good calling on making this town's Twilight's home.

She got the excuse to come here as many time she wants but have to be under Luna's nose.

'Lest she sees me, she is gonna put me on an diet, she already hide my stash of cakes'

She thought in a sour note as she observed, unaware that Carrot had arrived with the aforementioned Apple Pie, his eyes widen seeing in pure display Celestia's round, magnificent jiggling flanks, he literally drooled as his eyes were glued on the wet slit and winking bulb, the odor a Vanilla cought him, guiding him toward the source it as his throbbing malehood harden with anticipation, every inch of his body demanding to breed the princess of ponykind and Equestria despite the very consequences.

And so he moved, his instincts to breed overpowering his common sense, discarding the pie moved behind the princess and beginner mount her, the princess gasped feeling the stallion jumping on top of her and quickly inserting his stallionhood into foal tunnel, all the way inside, knocking the door of her womb.

The Princess simply looked behind, seeing the stallion completely succumbed to his lust and latched onto her waist and back while his hips moved in and out as he hissed, feeling the wet muscles clamping around his dick.

It took her literally few seconds before she moaned herself, feeling the sensation of an stallion dick within her welcoming depth "Ahh~!" Her moans was enough message for thr stallion to continue mating and sate his rampaging need to breed.


Several Minutes after...

...Inside of Celestia's womb.

"Ugh... my head.." Petri grumble she gets up, nursing her throbbing head. "Ow!... Ok maybe we need to install more cushions in new iterations of the transport pills."

"Yeah..." Looking Glass equally grumbled as she gets up "It was fu though."

"Fun!? We could've died!" She snapped.

"This was your idea, thought." She countered "if we waited a bit more, maybe we could've made the transport pill more stable and reinforced for fast, bumpy rides, for once , I'm not accounted for this little incident." Petri groaned as she rubbed her eyes on hearing that. After that she lookee around and noticed that the swarm's of Carrot's gametes have filled up the majority of the Mare's womb and so it's been quite hard to see which mare they're inside as they all went for all sort of direction.

"Doesn't matter now.." She grumble "How is the human?"

"Good, still asleep, thought he may or not suffered a small concussion." The Red-ish mare inspected rather uneasily as she poked the mage and recieved a grumble as result.

"Great... never again were going throught this method."

"I don't know, This could be a good attraction on its own, I know I love it." She grinned before it deflated "Thought... we're in the womb, now? Did we succeeded?"

"I don't know... thought I believe we aren't in Cup Cake.." The Blue scientist mare states "Feels like I heard the voice of those moans before."





"What was that-" Looking Glass asked but was interrupted when she felt movement. "A-are we moving? Are the sperm-"

"No, the Transport Pill have an anti-attraction enchantment for wild cells, isn't the sperm I know it but we're being tugged by something else." As in cue they were indeed being moved by a moving crane, they couldn't see clearly due to the viscous semen flooding everything but could see some pony figures in scuba suits, it was hard to see but yet definitely ponies but we're they unicorn or pegasus? They couldn't see well, everything was so white.

Eventually, they arrive to an building that seemly to be grow out of the flesh but that wasn't the detail, they were directed into its open garage or hangar door and swallowed by it, s soon as the doors closed the viscous semen began to get drained from the room, soon it was easy to see everything clearly again, as see on the entirely of the fluid was drained, he mares opened the transport pill and left it to greet the locals.

However, as soon as they saw the scuba divers again, they eyes widen and their mouth lays agape.

The ponies that tugged them were of both winged and horned, to make things even more awkward, said pony removed her mask and smiled at them.

"Princess Celestia!?" Both unicorns gasped seeing the smiling face of the princess of the sun, not just that, but all the other cells revealed to be identical to the princess of the sun down to the last detail.

"Yes... well, no quite; I'm Celestia Cell #4528, CC-28 or Celly for short but enough of me, Welcome to Celestia's Body!"
June 2, 2023