Into the Party Pink Foalmaker
You went straight into the massive, twitching gateway. There was no resistance from the huge ringed muscle, the orifice was ginormous as stated before and you went in without much issue, going into the pulsing cavern, you had used your Lexicon to scan further Pinkie's body as you went further inside dodging the walls as you fly through the tunnel. However there was something that preventing your Lexicon to give a full reading while on here.

Strange, when in the foal tunnel, it was right and functioning but in here it was kind of jammed...

Must be interference, you shrugged it off as that as you went toward the end of the cavern. Ponies being magical creatures and their inner magic in this size might likely doing an number of it but just as you reaching to the end of the tunnel, the Lexicon was up and working again. You got an reading and as you gotten near the end of your journey and able to see the spacious equine-like organ..

It detected..
June 2, 2023