The picturesque and rural town of Ponyville, You saw the familiar yellow and white old-timey structures and buildings clustered together complete with the colorful yet titanic inhabitants that live in it since its foundation. You did also saw the Crystalline Castle, Twilight's Castle, on the Northeast side of the town.
You see the Apple Orchan far out of the Southern part of the town with the familiar Barn on its center where the main Apple Clan resides but also saw the cloud-like home hovering near to it. On the western side of the town, right on the edge, you see the lonely cottage close to the Everfree forest. Fluttershy's Home.
On the Eastern side, you saw the familiar tower-like Carousel Boutique, Rarity's home, and workplace but also you saw the school near it. On the Center of the town, near the tower-like townhall and the busy looking plaza, you saw the familiar gingerbread house with ponies coming in hungry and out satisfied, Sugarcube Corner.
So many options... So many characters! So many worlds to choose from.
You decide to.
You see the Apple Orchan far out of the Southern part of the town with the familiar Barn on its center where the main Apple Clan resides but also saw the cloud-like home hovering near to it. On the western side of the town, right on the edge, you see the lonely cottage close to the Everfree forest. Fluttershy's Home.
On the Eastern side, you saw the familiar tower-like Carousel Boutique, Rarity's home, and workplace but also you saw the school near it. On the Center of the town, near the tower-like townhall and the busy looking plaza, you saw the familiar gingerbread house with ponies coming in hungry and out satisfied, Sugarcube Corner.
So many options... So many characters! So many worlds to choose from.
You decide to.
June 2, 2023
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