Let the cells take you home with them
"You know what, I'm a bit tired from casting the portal spell, might as well take up the offer with you lovely ladies" The small group of Shies cheered and one kisses you on the cheek.

"Then that's decided!" The first Fluttershy squealed in a happy tone. "Come on, Let's go to my place, is in a few away blocks from here." You sighed, you were still quite not sure if this was the best choice but you were indeed tired and they seem really friendly and kind... Although a bit TOO friendly.

You actually hope that they go slow on you, you rather still have to recover some energy from the portal. You followed them, It was easy to tell them apart despite looking like exact clones of Fluttershy in every detail, even the same cutie mark. One has a Red Vest but despite that, The second one didn't hadn't anything but she was shorter, perhaps even younger like entering into early adulthood and finally the last one looked a bit pale and- Oh nevermind, she looked exactly like Vampshy, even her wings looked bat-like instead of bird-like.

Looking at the streets, Some aren't even Fluttershy but a variation of her. There were Poseys too, the Earth Pony version of Fluttershy during early development of the show before Laura Faust went for Pegasus instead, and even some had unicorn horns instead of wings although the majority are the pegasus version of Fluttershy but with different body type.

But there one thing to be sure, all of them had the same Cutie Mark or a variation of the sort.

The town resembles European made, despite its organic look. There were "cars" and roads in there and some "shies" flying around.

Passing some blocks and going deeper into the heart of this town, some Shies stopped and glance at you some winked at you and licked their lips, some didn't give you much a though.

"This is the place!" You heard her and looked at RedShy taking keys out of her mane and opened the door letting you all inside.
June 2, 2023