She get on her knees and cries, announcing that...
· original author:
Spoiled slowly sank to he knees, her ego bruised and blackened by incessant torment. Tears streamed from the corners of her eyes as she placed both palms on the floor in submission. Low sobs escaped her throat, a sure sign that she was very nearly at her breaking point. Her voice was flat and monotone, far from the quick-witted sharp-tongued business mare she wore as a mask. Now, finally, the cracks were beginning to become visible in her armor.
"Alright, "Spirit" you win. I'll do whatever you want me to do. I can't take much more of this, At this rate, I'm going to lose all of whatever little sanity I have left. So please..."

As always. you were standing nearby to her and observed the pitiful scene with interest and also some empathy. Here she was, groveling on her knees like a 2-bit harlot, her former snide and disdainful personality replaced with humility and desperation. It's honestly surprising that it took so little time to break her out of her bad habits, you had expected Spoiled to be a much harder nut to crack than most other ponies.

Of course, you had no delusions as to whether you really changed her mind, She wasn't admitting her own faults here, only admitting that she's too tired to fight back. A mare's lifelong decision and sins that weigh heavily on their back would not be so easy to remove. Spoiled would almost certainly falter in her path and have occasional relapses despite all of your best efforts. Still, progress was progress, and you promised yourself that if she managed to make headway and not let her stubborn ego get in the way, you would give her a reward.

June 2, 2023